Any #lodlam (Linked Open Data for Libraries, Archives, and Museums) folks coming? I’d like to talk and/or show-and-tell about projects that use LOD in some way — especially consuming or using, not just publishing. Ideally, I’d like to look at code and or SPARQL queries being used. Doing actual queries on DBpedia if people are interested would be great, too.
It would all depend on who comes, I guess. So I’m not sure what the ratios of Make/Play/Talk would be. But I’m hoping for a little hands-on LOD results. I have one example I could show to get the ball rolling.
I’m in.
I’m liking this, too.
(Though I’m probably a taker rather than a giver in this session, FWIW.)
I’m also in for this (mostly play). Depending on where the conversation goes is anyone interested in talking about search more generically? Prefered methods for certain data points, what would you like to see more or less of what it comes to discovery interfaces..