Lee Wright


- Very interested in the way in which tools and platforms can be used to increase engagement with history broadly. (My Ignite talk on this subject a few years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DnDFOcwVMo.) - Founded and built TheHistoryList.com, a platform for publish event information and today the largest list of history-related events across the country. - Created History Camp (HistoryCamp.org), which was held on March 8 in Cambridge. - On the board of our local historical society and historic commission. - Have attended various history-related conferences, including AASLH (national), NCPH (national), NEMA (presented on a panel about collaboration), ALHFAM (regional). - Entrepreneur with extensive startup experience dating to the fall of 1995 when I co-founded a small company building websites for large clients. Later run a consulting boutique that created a user-centered process for developing UIs and IAs for websites called IDEA, Iterative Development, Evaluation, and Analysis. - www.LinkedIn.com/in/leewright