Zachary Bos


Poet and small press publisher, with some background in graphic and web design, and coding for bioinformatics projects (C++, Perl).

My DH involvement includes:

- my use XML and my own dbing schemes to organize glosses and other paretextual material for Finnegans Wake, with a ui functionality that allows users to toggle on text highlighting for different thematic or linguistic features in the text - project supervision for a web interface (semi-flat design, SQL dbing and Ajax ui functionality, some Java scripting) to allow visitors to select texts in a large corpus to assemble a custom edition for one-off printing - my use of algorithmic search tools to identify candidate source material for authors including Hugh Macdiarmid - recently, my experimentation of version -control and -visualization software (including SVN Time-Lapse View) to allow users to navigate the revision history of short texts