This is a discussion session about One Week One Tool and Serendip-o-matic ( Specific discussion topics can be driven by the participants, but possible options:
– leveraging the DPLA and Europeana APIs
– challenges maintaining product development with remote collaborators (who all have other primary job functions)
– advantages and disadvantages to an interdisciplinary team
– lessons learned from building a product in a week that can be extrapolated to the real world
We will have representatives from project management, outreach, design and development.
Possible additional topic — getting a project up and running fast. It looks like at least one person (Jim McGrath) who was involved in getting Our Marathon up and running is here, too (anyone else?).
We could also talk about the different tools that we used to make the different parts happen. That can get down in the weeds or remain at a high level.
And I think that we could probably talk a lot about marketing. That’s something that I think we all learned a far bit amount from our CHNM mentors.